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Funks and Mondays not behaving

Funks and Mondays not behaving

Image by annie-spratt from unsplash

Left hand on the Bible, right hand raised, I swear that trying to get yourself out of a funk should be classified in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the hardest things to do as a human. Do you ever have those moments where you’re in sloth mode? Where everything you try to get done seems hard and slow. Tasks that you can normally whip off in a few minutes take hours. The moments where your brain packed its bags, went to J.K.I.A and booked itself a one-way ticket to the Bahamas. Body fatigue is one thing but mind fatigue is a different beast. 

A funk, for me, is a case of Monday blues compounded by imaginable gray skies that make everything seem sad and depressing. It’s those days that consist of closed curtains, checking my to-do list, and giving it the middle finger because when Netflix calls, it’s usually followed by a deserved chill (or so my mind lies to me). On lucky days, my girl joins in on the action, and the ‘deserved’ chill is blended with great moments of subtle numbers like 4:20 and 69 which get those dopamine and serotonin levels boiling. I’m the kind of guy who likes fighting fire with fire – so if my mind goes on vacation, might as well let my body enjoy the freedom it has, if you get my drift.

In all honesty, as we head to 2024, Mondays need to behave. I’ve had cases this year when it refused to comply with the tasks listed for the week. This ideally meant Tuesday and the other days decided as siblings that they shouldn’t be left out of having fuck it moments. To top it all off, there’s a feeling at the back of my mind that tells me they usually placed bets to see how long I could stretch my laziness with the winner mostly going to Friday (when you’re allowed to start partying).

If I had a superpower, it would be the ability to control time; to erase these non-inspiraitonal days where getting things done is similar to Jackayo’s ploy to convince Kenyans that tax increments are to our benefit – we’re not having it. Fortunately, I’m also the kind of guy whose highs are high. When I’m in a desolate state of constant drag and non-performance, my go-to usually finds me forcing myself to the gym or doing some intense exercise. This can involve doing the workouts I despise most; a circular set of burpees, squats, and jumping ropes which theoretically sound easy but when you’re in the heat of the moment a death bed sounds pretty relaxing. My thought is if I’m able to do the hardest thing then others don’t seem as hectic.

Luckily it’s December, so I can relax, fill my pot belly with some whiskey and not feel guilty about having funk days because it’s ‘sherehe’ time. Come Jan, I’ll need to get back into the groove of things but till then, if you’re not shy about DM’s and shooting first shots, hit my inbox and give me a few tips about your go-to when getting out of a funk. Ciao!!!!

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